

Eportfolios are electronic portfolios where children can save and document their learning online. Children can store and save copies of their work online in an eportfolio. In our school we use Classdojo and Microsoft Office as eportfolios. 
Classdojo allows the teacher to have a direct link with the child's parents/guardians to showcase their work, send updates and messages and gives guardians an insight into their child's daily school life. Every child is given a classdojo account at the start of the school year. This account follows the child through the years in the Senior school. After leaving primary school the child will continue to be able to access their lClassdojo account by loggin in a normal. 
Microsoft Office is a suite of software that is used in schools and organisations around the glode today. Many businesses use Microsoft Office as their primary communication tool. In our school we use Microsoft Office to enable the children to showcase their learning in ways that they choose, giving them independence and choice. Children can log onto their MS office account at home, showcasing their learning to their parents/guardians.
The benifits of eportfolios inlcude:
The children have access to their school work at home and in school, enabling them to showcase their work at home to their family.
Epoftfolios such as Microsoft TEAMS allows for incluive learning. Children can chose to use such features  speech to text apps and a variety of software, such as Microsoft powerpoint, Microsoft Word etc, to showcase their learning,     
Teachers can use eportfolios as an assessment tool, to establish what learning has taken place and how the child has showcased their work.
Online storage of their learning ensure that files and work completed does not get lost or damaged.
Children are motivated to learn when they have a choice in their learning. Eportfolios allow children to showcase their work in different ways such as through video, audio, posters, presentations etc. 
The chidlren can access their work, examine it at in their own time on it and strive for improvement where needed. The children can keep track of their progress, successes and learning in an organised way.
Children are learning about and building their Digital Footprint, which teaches them about Digital Citizenship.